It is pref test run: July 2017


Thursday, July 13, 2017


Question 1
Move three matchsticks to correct the equation.
There's more than two solutions.

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Question 2
Move two matchsticks to make the equation true.
*More than one solution

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Question  3
Move one matchstick to equal the number two

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Question  4
Move five matchsticks to form TWO

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Question  5
Move only 1 matchstick to create 2 squares

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Question  6
Move two matchsticks to make the equation true

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Question  7
Add two matchsticks to make the equation true

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Question  8
Move only 2 matchsticks to create 6 squares and 4 rectangles. The following rules apply:
1. Squares must be equal in size
2. Rectangles must be equal in size
3. Not all squares or rectangles have to be connected

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Question 9
Take away two matchsticks to make the equation true

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Question 10
Move 3 matchsticks to create 9 squares. The squares must be equal in size

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Question 11
What is the relationship or link between the 4 figures below?

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Remove the same 2 matchsticks from each figure and turn your head to the right. It forms the letters V W X Y.
Question 12
Can you decipher the hidden word in this figure by linking row 1 with row 2

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By flipping row 1 and row 2 upside down and merging them together
Question  13
Move two matchsticks to make the equation true.
*More than one solution

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Question  14
Move two matchsticks to make this equation correct.
*more than two solutions

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Question  15
Take away only 1 matchstick to leave 4 equal squares. All the squares must be connected and all matchsticks must form part of a square.

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Question  16
Which layout is the odd one out?

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C is the odd one out. Adding 1 matchstick to any other layout forms a capital letter.
Question  17
Move three matchsticks to make the equation true

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Question  18
Take away two matchsticks to make the equation true

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Question 19
How would you show that this equation is correct by just adding only one matchstick

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Question 20
Move one matchstick to make this equation true

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SPOILER 1 - working for group (plus images)


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

SPOILER 2 - working for single (plus images)

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SPOILER 3 - working for single; plus (pictures)